Decoding Smart Contracts: Streamline Blockchain Automation

Are you fed up with manual processes, endless paperwork, and costly intermediaries slowing down your business? Imagine streamlining operations by executing contracts that self-enforce within decentralized systems, automate your tasks, and cut through red tape, all while being immutable and transparent, through simple blockchain integration!

Move over, middlemen! Smart contracts are here to silently transform businesses from the ground up, streamlining processes, and building trust. As a tech visionary, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. So let's have a look into why smart contracts deserve a vital role in your business.

What are smart contracts?

A smart contract is a protocol, represented by lines of codes which executes itself automatically when the predefined set of conditions are met. It is a deterministic program that runs on blockchains. It consists of code that states,” If x event occurs, then trigger y action”.

You must have seen vending machines at supermarkets or convenience stores. You put in money, select your item, and the machine dispenses it automatically. Similarly, a smart contract can be programmed to release funds, transfer assets, or perform other actions once certain conditions are met. Achieve seamless blockchain integration.

How were smart contracts developed?

  • Conceptualization (1994): Nick Szabo, a scholar and computer scientist, first introduced the concept of smart contracts in his paper "Formalizing and Securing Relationships on Public Networks."
  • Early Implementations (1996-2009): Several attempts were made to create working smart contract systems, but they were limited by the technology available at the time.
  • Rise of Ethereum (2015): The launch of the Ethereum blockchain platform provided more robust and user-friendly technological solutions for developing and deploying smart contracts. Learn more about our blockchain services.
  • Standardization Efforts (2017-present): Various organizations are working on standardizing smart contract languages and tools to make them more interoperable and secure.
  • Growing Adoption (2018-present): Smart contracts are being used in a wide range of applications, including finance, supply chain management, voting, and identity management.

What are the key features of Smart Contracts?

  • Decentralized storage: Storing contracts on a distributed ledger like blockchain further enhances security by eliminating single points of vulnerability. Alterations require consensus across the entire network, making it highly resistant to attacks.
  • Open for all: Public blockchain networks offer complete transparency. Anyone can access and examine the code of a smart contract, fostering trust and accountability among participants.
  • Frictionless execution powered by technology solutions: When predefined conditions are met, smart contracts automatically execute without human intervention. This eliminates lengthy manual processes and expedites transactions.
  • Near real-time settlement: Transactions are typically settled almost instantaneously for all participants, thanks to the distributed nature of blockchain networks.
  • Self-governing: Once deployed, smart contracts operate independently, eliminating the need for intermediaries to enforce terms or facilitate transactions.
  • Immune to central control: No single entity (e.g., government, bank) can modify or manipulate a deployed smart contract, ensuring neutrality and immutability.
  • Increased accountability: This is a key benefit of blockchain automation. With all participants having access to the same information, disputes are minimized and trust is fostered.

Classification of Smart Contracts in Blockchain:

1. Smart Legal Contracts:

  • Guaranteed by law: Adhere to legal contract structure and are enforceable.
  • Greater transparency: Stored on the blockchain, tamper-proof, and transparent for all parties.
  • Digital signatures: Parties execute contracts using digital signatures.
  • Strict consequences: Failure to comply may lead to legal repercussions.

2. Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs):

  • Democratic structure: Governed by smart contracts with voting rights for members.
  • No central authority: No executives or presidents, decisions made collectively.
  • Blockchain-based rules: Embedded code dictates operations and fund allocation.
  • Transparent and open-source: All actions and rules are publicly viewable and verifiable.
  • Diverse use cases: Applicable to various settings, from simple to complex organizations.

3. Application Logic Contracts (ALCs):

  • Device automation: Enable secure and autonomous operation of devices and applications.
  • Application-based code: Synchronized with other blockchain contracts.
  • Device communication: Facilitate interaction between devices, like IoT integration.
  • Machine-to-machine contracts: Operate between machines and other contracts, not humans.

What makes Smart Contracts a better choice than traditional contracts?

                        Smart Contracts

                Traditional Contracts

Written in code and stored on a blockchain.

These physical documents are written in natural language, often requiring physical storage.


Self-executing upon predefined conditions being met, streamlining operations.

Require manual verification and enforcement by third parties

All terms and conditions are transparent and publicly verifiable on the blockchain.

Subject to interpretation and potential disputes due to ambiguity in language.


Generally considered more secure due to their immutability and decentralized nature on the blockchain, guaranteeing trustworthy automation. Tampering with the code is nearly impossible.


Vulnerable to forgery, fraud, and loss or damage of physical documents.



Primarily used in the blockchain space for transactions involving digital assets, supply chain management, and decentralized finance (DeFi).


Used in a wide range of scenarios, including business agreements, property sales, employment contracts, and loans.

Still in their early stages of development and may be susceptible to bugs or vulnerabilities in the code. Their complexity can also make them challenging to understand and audit.


Can be adapted to complex situations but lack the automation and transparency of smart contracts


How Do Smart Contracts Operate?

  • Agreement Defined: The terms of the contract are translated into code making sure that all parties adhere to the agreement. 
  •  Deployment: The code is deployed to a chosen blockchain network, which makes it publicly accessible and tamper-proof.
  •  Trigger Conditions: Specific events (e.g., payment received, milestone achieved) trigger the contract's execution.
  •  Automatic Execution: The code automatically executes the predefined actions without human interference.
  • Immutable Record: All transactions are recorded permanently and transparently on the blockchain, ensuring auditability and traceability.

Where can your smart contracts come alive? 

  • Ethereum: The godfather of smart contracts, boasting a mature ecosystem, vast developer tools, and an abundance of established dApps. But be prepared for potentially higher fees and slower transaction speeds.
  • Binance Smart Chain (BSC): A rising star offering lightning-fast transactions and significantly lower fees compared to Ethereum. Consider its younger ecosystem and potential security concerns when choosing blockchain integration for your smart contracts.
  • Polkadot: Built for interoperability, allowing your smart contracts to seamlessly connect with other blockchains, unlocking a wider reach. Be aware of its still-evolving ecosystem and potentially complex development process.
  • Cardano: A security-focused platform with meticulously designed architecture and rigorous testing procedures. Scalability and developer adoption are still catching up, but it's a strong contender for mission-critical projects.
  • Solana: Blazing the trail in transaction speed, boasting near-instantaneous processing and incredibly low fees. Its unique architecture comes with some trade-offs in decentralization and developer tooling maturity.

Certain blockchain platforms designed for blockchain automation can handle large transaction volumes, making them suitable for enterprise applications.

Applications across Industries:

  • Finance: Blockchain integration empowers smart contracts to automate loan approvals, escrow services, and securities trading, streamlining processes and enhancing security. Automate loans, escrow services, and securities trading.
  • Supply Chain: Tracking goods, authenticating products, managing inventory, and   streamlining payments.
  • Real Estate: Facilitating property ownership transfers, rental agreements, and escrow management.
  • Healthcare: Decentralized systems can securely manage medical records, automate insurance claims, and track medication adherence.
  • Voting: Enhance voting security and transparency through immutable vote recording.

The vast scope of smart contract applications underscores their potential as powerful technological solutions across industries.

 Challenges to consider:

  • Code Complexity: Writing secure and bug-free smart contracts requires specialized expertise.
  • Limited Flexibility: Once deployed, modifying contracts can be difficult or impossible.
  • Legal Ambiguity: Regulatory frameworks for smart contracts are still evolving.
  • Technical Scalability: Blockchain networks may face scalability challenges for large-scale adoption.

What is the future of Smart Contracts? 

  • Beyond Crypto: Expect smart contracts to expand beyond their current stronghold in blockchain and crypto, integrating seamlessly with traditional web applications and existing infrastructure.
  • AI Integration: The amalgamation of smart contracts and AI will enable dynamic, self-adapting contracts that adjust to changing conditions and unforeseen circumstances.
  • Beyond trustworthy automation: While automation remains a core benefit, future smart contracts will go beyond simply executing pre-defined tasks, incorporating elements of decision-making and adaptability, mimicking human logic in complex scenarios.
  • Real-World Impact: Look for the rise of "hybrid" smart contracts that interact with physical devices and sensors, automating real-world processes, streamlining operations, and enabling the Internet of Things (IoT) to reach its full potential
  • Decentralized  Governance: Smart contracts will play a pivotal role in Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) for decentralized systems, automating decision-making and governance processes within self-organized communities.

To wrap this up, smart contracts will be very beneficial in offering a transformative approach to managing agreements across diverse industries. While challenges exist, technological advancements and growing expertise continuously pave the way for seamless integration.

 So, are you ready to decode the power of smart contracts? At Webelight Solutions, we empower projects with transparent smart contracts, ensuring trust and seamless transactions. Apart from smart contract development, we specialize in decentralized app development, wallet development, oracle development & VRF development. 

Let's embrace the future of trustworthy automation and revolutionize the way we do business, together! Contact us today to discuss how we can help you leverage the power of smart contracts.