Exploring Version Control in DevOps: Use Case, Benefits & Top Tools

In the fast-paced world of software development, where every line of code matters, the ability to manage changes effectively is of great importance. Enter version control in DevOps – a crucial component that not only minimizes risks but also streamlines collaboration among teams. Let's delve into the world of version control, demystifying its importance and exploring the tools that make DevOps workflows smoother.

Understanding version control with use cases

Multinational companies like Google and Microsoft, with offices and thousands of employees scattered across the globe, face a big challenge: ensuring effective collaboration. Communication can be tricky, especially when teams working on the same project are in different parts of the world.

Furthermore, IT companies working on several projects simultaneously face the challenge of keeping track of different project versions. Projects rarely get finished in one go, so version control becomes especially critical when needing to backtrack and identify the source of problems that arise during complex projects with numerous iterations. Managing all these versions in one place and keeping track of changes made to source code or files can be difficult.

And of course, there's the crucial matter of backups. If something goes wrong with a system or someone's computer crashes and there's no backup, all the hard work could be lost. Take GitLab, for example. They faced a service outage and data loss when an employee accidentally deleted the database. The lack of readily available backups resulted in the loss of some valuable data.

These are just some of the basic challenges that big or small companies face. So, what's the solution to all these problems? That's where the version control system comes in. It helps employees collaborate better, keeps track of different versions, stores backups on a remote server, and makes it easy to roll back to earlier versions of code. We'll delve into each of these benefits in more detail when we explore the benefits of using a version control system. But first, what is version control?

What is version control?

Version control is like a digital filing system for your software project’s code. It allows developers to keep a track of changes made to the codebase over time. Think of it as a safety net that enables one to roll back to a previous version if something goes wrong. With version control, your team can collaborate with others seamlessly, knowing that they have a history of changes at their fingertips.

Benefits of version control for your team

Version control in DevOps isn't just about managing code changes; it's about fostering collaboration and ensuring the reliability of software releases. By incorporating version control into DevOps workflows, teams can:

Benefits of version control in devops

Improve Collaboration: Teams can work concurrently on the same codebase without stepping on each other's toes.

Increase Transparency: Every change made to the code is documented, providing visibility into who did what and when.

Facilitate Rollbacks: If a new feature introduces bugs or issues, teams can easily revert to a previous working version.

Enable Experimentation: Developers can create branches to test new features or experiment with different approaches without affecting the main codebase. 

Top Version Control Software


Arguably the most popular version control system, Git has revolutionized the way developers manage code. Developed by Linus Torvalds in 2005, Git offers distributed version control, enabling developers to work offline and synchronize changes seamlessly. Its branching and merging capabilities empower teams to experiment with different features without disrupting the main codebase. GitHub, a widely used platform for hosting Git repositories, further amplifies its utility.


Subversion (SVN)

Subversion, often abbreviated as SVN, is another robust version control system renowned for its centralized architecture. Unlike Git's distributed nature, SVN follows a centralized model, where a single repository stores all project files and their revisions. SVN boasts excellent support for handling binary files and integrates smoothly with various IDEs and development tools.

Subversion logo


Mercurial, or Hg, presents a compelling alternative to Git, offering a user-friendly interface and intuitive workflow. Like Git, Mercurial supports distributed version control, allowing developers to work autonomously and merge changes effortlessly. Its extensibility through plugins enhances its versatility, catering to diverse project requirements.

Mercurial logo

Choosing the Right Version Control Software

Selecting the optimal version control software hinges on various factors, including team size, project complexity, and workflow preferences. The following criteria matters when evaluating different options:

1. Scalability: Ensure the chosen software can accommodate the projected growth of your team and codebase.

2. Integration: Assess compatibility with existing tools and platforms, such as project management software and continuous integration pipelines.

3. Community Support: Favor solutions with active communities and ample documentation, facilitating troubleshooting and knowledge sharing.

4. Security: Prioritize platforms with robust security measures to safeguard sensitive code and intellectual property.

5. Usability: Opt for user-friendly interfaces and intuitive workflows to streamline adoption and minimize learning curves.


Version control software is essential in modern development, supporting collaboration, increasing productivity and ensuring code consistency. With tools like Git, SVN, or Mercurial, teams optimize productivity, reduce errors, and deliver high-quality work more efficiently. Webelight Solutions offers expert guidance, tailored services for startups or enterprises to streamline operations and accelerate time to market. Work with us to unlock the full potential of version control, transforming your software development process. Let's embark on this transformative journey together, reshaping how you build, deploy, and manage solutions. Contact us today to start a partnership that fosters innovation and drives success.